Monday, July 18, 2011

What Should I Do Now? Help?

Well, I've been having a crush on this boy for a few months already. I always think about him all the time. Every thing around me reminds me of him. I can't go a day without a thought about him. But I wonder if he ever thinks about me? He doesn't really notice me until we get to one of our classes that we have together and that is also when we sit next to each other too. That is when we talk and tease each other. Then school ended, I was scared that he wouldn't talk to me again. Well, guess what? I see him in my summer school! Well, we don't have the same class, because he is taking history and I am taking writing. I always see him in the morning before class and during break and afterschool. I wonder if he actually notice me? Well, one time during break, ha called my name and I just turned around and waved and said hi. Then he seemed kind of lonely when he just went to sit on the side to eat his chocolate bar. Then after he finished, he just went into the crowd to talk. I regreted so much that I didn't go up to him when he said my name and just talk to him. So then the next day I was talking to my friends and then I couldn't help to notice him looking at me for a long time. Is he starting to like me? I really hope so.... What should I do now? Should I find a chance and just talk to him so we can be more close? Please help me. I really like him a lot and I don't want to spoil any possible chances I have with him.

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