Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ke$ha - Get Sleazy Tour with LMFAO?

I love Ke$ha and me my friend are going to the concert in September and I'm STOKED. But the problem is, I only know like, one LMFAO song and I was just wondering if you guys could give me a few songs that they'll play so that I can at least know the songs haha. Thank you xoxo

What Should I get him for our six month anniversary?

Our 6 month anniversary is coming up soon but we won't be able to be together since I will be out of town. I was going to give something to his roommate to give to him on that day. I don't wanna spend much at all but I want it to mean something to him. I was planning on writing a note about how much he means to me and such. And then I thought about makin a CD of songs that reminds me of us. Is this a stupid idea? Do you think a young guy would appreciate this or should I do something else? What would a guy in his late teens want? Advice?

What would you do if you had an interfeeing family?

so, apparently im a bad person because im making my own decisions in life. Im 21 years old and have a 22 month old daughter. I live in a 3 bed house. Which happens to be 5 mins walk frm my mother. I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years. We are so happy but my family dont accept him. Yes we have had up and downs and have got through them. My family believe i can do better. My mum is trying to do everything in her power to ruin our relationship. My boyfriend is a loving man and wonderful dad but my family just see the bad bits. Last year, we had some trouble in our relationship that almost ruin us. A year on, we are stronger and keep on fighting. As i am still with my boyfriend, my family refuse to aknowledge him and enter our home. I dont knw why they wont give him another chance. I have. My family are makin my life hell and i cant deal with it anymore. To them i am a bad person. All i want to do is live my life and be with the man who makes me happy. What is so wrong with that? Any ideas?

What if you did ask to be born?

that would be a different story if we were asked to be born. if i were asked and said yes, then i'd have to pay the consequence of what ever happens.

Going to the Upper East Side...?

If you are under 21, you can totally forget about drinking in a bar or restaurant in NYC....totally forget about it. The establishment can lose its liquor license, and that license cost them at least $100,000. So they're not going to take any kind of chance on serving anyone who can not doubly prove they're of legal age to drink. As a matter of fact, some places have their own age restriction, i.e., having to prove that you're at least 25 years old, or some other age beyond 21.

Dealing with a black eye?

I went to a martini bar with a girlfriend while hubby is way turkey hunting. I think we had 3, I never had 1 before. I thought I was fine, but when we got up to leave, I fell flat on my face going out the door. Very embarrassing, Now I have a black eye to go to work with. I can already hear the gossiping. Any suggestions?

What classical music piece is used at the start of this song?

There is no classical music in that video. The piano music at the beginning of the video is nothing more and nothing less than the introduction to the main part of the song. That's all.